Using FAQs with your team

When Ariglad AI scans your ticket data, it lists out questions that are asked by your customers more than 3 times and the average best practice answer to that question. For example, if a question is asked 10 times and 9 of the answers provide similar information, those 9 answers are summarized to provide the most comprehensive response template to that question. The last answer is ignored as the AI assumes that it is incorrect.

With the Ariglad Zendesk integration, when an agent opens a ticket they will see the best practice answer to this question on the right hand side along with the best resource suggestions. Because of the sophistication of Ariglad’s AI, even if a customer uses the wrong word in their question about a feature (think ‘button’ instead of ‘widget’), the AI will use its historical understanding of ticket data to understand what they mean and provide the best suggestion. This reduces the amount of needless ticket escalations and training time for new agents.

Your FAQ list isn't limited to frequently asked questions - if customers have repeated a query 3 times it may be included in your list if the support answers were also similar

Editing FAQs

If you want to make any changes to an FAQ question or answer you can simply click on the pen icon on the right hand side to open up an edit widget. You can also use this widget to tweak the category that this FAQ is included in, which is relevant for situations where you have similarly named products, so your FAQs are being categorized specifically to differentiate between them.