February 17, 2023

Happy Employees, Happy Company: Why Prioritizing Mental Health is Key to a Successful Workplace

Published By
Sarah Mooney

Did you know that Mental Health America (MHA) found that about 50 million people, or nearly 20% of adults in the United States, had experienced a mental illness before the COVID-19 pandemic? Shockingly, more than half of these individuals did not receive treatment.

To raise awareness about mental health and its impact on our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, May is recognized as National Mental Health Awareness Month. It's so important to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and create healthy communities and company cultures.

Why prioritizing mental health matters

It's no secret that mental health and wellbeing are incredibly important for our overall health. They play a huge role in our daily lives and can impact everything from our work performance to our relationships with others. Believe it or not, our mental health can even affect our physical wellbeing!

Having a healthy mindset is key to building mental resilience and strength. When we maintain a positive perspective and attitude, we're better equipped to handle life's challenges both personally and professionally. But let's be real, believing in yourself can be tough sometimes. That's why it's crucial to remind yourself daily that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

It's also important for employers to recognize the importance of supporting their employees' mental health. When people have the support they need at work, it can make a world of difference in their mental wellbeing and their ability to perform their job to the best of their abilities.

employee mental health

Employee burnout

So, did you know that a survey conducted by Indeed in 2021 found that over half of today's workforce (52%) reported experiencing burnout? That's a significant increase from the previous year when the number was at 43%. For younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z, the numbers are even higher, with 59% and 58% respectively reporting burnout.

Clearly, burnout is a real issue that's affecting the productivity of workers and the success of companies. That's why it's so important for employers to prioritize their employees' mental health and wellbeing and provide them with the resources they need to manage it.

When individuals prioritize their wellbeing and feel supported by their managers and organizations, they tend to be more productive. Taking care of ourselves has a big impact on our overall attitude towards life, both at work and outside of it. So, it's in everyone's best interest to prioritize mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

How companies can support their employees mental health and wellbeing

It's one thing to talk about how companies should support their employees and prioritize their wellbeing, but it's another to actually put it into action. Fortunately, there are some simple ways companies can do this, like encouraging regular breaks throughout the day and ensuring their employees take enough vacation time to rest and recharge.

You may have heard of companies offering even more than that in the form of healthcare benefits, gym memberships, mental health days, and more. 

Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits that successful modern companies provide for their employees:

Counseling support: One great way to improve your employees' mental health and wellbeing is by providing counseling support. This can take many forms, from offering access to online counseling services to in-person workshops on mindfulness and meditation. Some companies even offer virtual events and peer mentorship programs, as well as services like backup childcare.

Therapy: More and more companies are recognizing the importance of therapy in improving employee wellbeing and productivity. Some organizations have even brought onsite counselors on board and offer their employees a minimum of six therapy visits per year. This can result in reduced stress levels and increased happiness among employees.

Schedule flexibility: Many companies are moving away from the traditional 9-5 schedule and offering employees more flexibility in choosing their own schedules. This can greatly improve work-life balance and benefit employees' overall wellbeing.

Mental health stories programs: There are companies that provide programs and campaigns for employees to share their experiences and work through mental health issues in the workplace. By sharing stories, companies can help destigmatize mental health issues, encourage open conversations about mental health, and build strong, healthy company cultures. Programs like these also help build loyalty among employees.

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