Knowledge Base
September 4, 2024

Supercharge Your Knowledge Base with Customer Feedback

Published By
Sarah Mooney

Hey there! Let's chat about something super important for your business - using customer feedback to make your knowledge base the best it can be.

You know how everyone's talking about self-service these days? Well, a solid knowledge base is a big part of that. It's like this magical place where customers can find answers to their questions without bugging your support team. Pretty cool, right?

Now, here's the thing - if you're using decent knowledge base software (and I hope you are!), you should be able to collect feedback from your customers. Why? Because you want to know how your knowledge base is doing and keep making it better. The best companies out there? They're always keen to know what their customers think.

So, what exactly is customer feedback? It's basically what your customers tell you about how they feel about your product or service. Are they happy? Frustrated? Somewhere in between? This info is gold for improving your customer experience.

You can ask for feedback directly with surveys, or you can find it out there in the wild - like in online reviews. In this post, we're mostly talking about the feedback you can gather through your knowledge base.

Now, why should you care about gathering customer feedback? Let me count the ways:

  1. It helps you improve your content. You get to see what's working and what's not.
  2. It lets you measure how happy your customers are. And happy customers = business success.
  3. It shows your customers you actually care what they think. This can turn them into big fans of your brand.
  4. It helps you keep customers around. If someone's unhappy, you can reach out and fix things before they leave.

Before we dive into using feedback, let's quickly cover some effective ways to gather those valuable customer insights:

  1. First off, let your customers know you're listening. When you make changes based on their feedback, shout it from the rooftops (or at least send an email).
  2. Add a feedback option to your content. A simple thumbs up/down or star rating can tell you a lot.
  3. Let customers leave comments. It's a great way to get more detailed feedback.
  4. Send out surveys. Ask customers to rate your support or how easy it was to use your knowledge base.
  5. Get your support team involved. They're on the front lines, so they can gather feedback like nobody's business.
  6. Set up a system to review feedback regularly. Make sure everyone on your team is in on this - from support reps to developers to product managers.

Now that you’ve gathered feedback - you've got to actually do something with it. Don't just collect it and let it gather dust. Here are some easy ways to put that feedback to work:

  1. Prioritize and act on common issues. If multiple customers are struggling with the same thing, tackle that problem first.
  2. Update and refine your content. Use feedback to improve unclear articles, add missing information, or simplify complex explanations.
  3. Create new content. If customers are consistently asking about topics not covered in your knowledge base, it's time to fill those gaps.
  4. Improve your product or service. Sometimes feedback will point to issues beyond your knowledge base - use these insights to enhance your actual offerings.
  5. Train your support team. Use customer feedback to identify areas where your team might need additional knowledge or skills.
  6. Measure and report on improvements. Track how your changes impact customer satisfaction and share these wins with your team and stakeholders.

While customer feedback is crucial, don't forget about the valuable insights your employees can provide. Your support team, in particular, interacts with your knowledge base and customers daily. They can offer unique perspectives on common customer pain points, frequently asked questions, and areas where the knowledge base falls short. Regularly gathering and acting on employee feedback can help you preemptively address issues before they impact customers, leading to a more robust and effective knowledge base.

The bottom line? If you want a kick-ass knowledge base, treat customer feedback like it's made of gold. Use it to improve, show your customers you're listening, and make it a part of your company culture.

Do this, and you'll be giving your customers what they want and helping them help themselves. And that, my friend, is what we call a win-win!

And speaking of top-notch knowledge bases, let me introduce you to Ariglad. It’s an AI-powered tool for your knowledge base that actively works to keep your content fresh and relevant by automatically updating your knowledge base as needed. With Ariglad at your side, you can kiss outdated info goodbye and say hello to a knowledge ecosystem that's always on its A-game. It's not just about staying current – it's about making your entire knowledge base smarter, more efficient, and incredibly easy for your customers to use.


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