Customer Service
March 6, 2024

How to Choose the Best Customer Service Channels

Published By
Sarah Mooney

In the realm of customer service, there's a significant emphasis on the concept of channels—a peculiar focus, considering that customers don't naturally segregate their communication preferences into these categories. They select their mode of contact based purely on the situation. If they're browsing your site, they might initiate a chat. For urgent matters, a phone call is their go-to. And when relaxing, reaching out via social media feels most appropriate.

Understanding the importance of choosing the correct channels for customer service is vital for enhancing customer experiences. This understanding begins with empathizing with your customers' perspectives.

Although it's commendable to offer every possible channel for customer interaction, this approach isn't necessarily the most strategic or impactful. Developing your customer support on a channel-specific basis could lead to inconsistency and poor customer experiences. Instead, determining which channels best cater to your audience and integrating this insight into your strategy yields far superior outcomes.

The abundance of choices

Exploring the prevalent customer support channels is crucial, along with assessing which ones would most effectively serve your needs. It's important to recognize that this doesn't mean adopting every available option. By analyzing what's out there and observing your customers' behaviors, you can pinpoint where to allocate your support efforts more effectively.


It offers a personal touch and the immediacy of real-time conversation, which, in some instances, can expedite resolutions when transitioning from chat or email.

Despite the rising popularity of digital channels, traditional communication forms maintain their relevance, especially among different demographics. Salesforce research indicates that while Gen Z prefers digital channels 1.6 times more than Baby Boomers, a significant 43% of customers still favor traditional, non-digital communication methods.

Live Chat

Live chat melds email's control with the immediacy of telephone support, with 63% of customers more likely to revisit websites offering this feature. It allows customer service reps to manage several chats concurrently, boosting efficiency.

Nevertheless, customers expect quick responses, just as they would not appreciate being on hold during a call. According to Hubspot, 60% of customers anticipate immediate responses when using live chat. Incorporating chatbots can elevate your live chat capabilities by providing optimized self-service options that mitigate customer churn.


Customers tend to prefer waiting longer for a comprehensive response rather than needing multiple contacts for resolution.

Another challenge with email is scaling customer support using a single shared account, which can frustrate both customers and staff. The McKinsey Global Institute found that the average worker dedicates 28% of their week to email management and nearly 20% to seeking internal information or assistance from colleagues.

The solution lies in conversational customer service software equipped with a knowledge base, streamlining support by tracking complete interaction histories across all channels in one place, enabling faster and more efficient customer issue resolution.

Email is a super popular channel among Ariglad customers. 

Social Media Channels

Social media is a staple in most consumers' daily lives, making it a natural choice for contacting companies. Statista research shows that 47% of consumers view brands more favorably when they offer support via social media, underscoring the importance of prompt responses in these interactions.


Text messaging's popularity is surging as it blends the asynchronous nature of chat with the immediacy of phone communication. Customers expect the same promptness in responses from businesses as they do from friends and family.

Designing an effective customer service channel strategy

Before expanding your channel offerings, consider your customers' needs, which should guide the support options you provide.

A few well-chosen channels, selected based on your strategy, can ensure success. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Ensure excellence across all channels, even if it means offering fewer options. Understanding what you can provide and what your customers expect is crucial.
  • Direct customers to the most efficient channels for their queries to minimize channel switching and frustration.
  • Staff your channels appropriately, recognizing that not every agent is suited to every type of interaction.
  • Collect and analyze customer service data to tailor your approach based on customer needs and preferences.
  • Regularly audit your channel performance and focus on areas needing improvement.

By finding the right mix of customer service channels, you can meet customer expectations efficiently and effectively. However, success in your current channels is crucial before considering new additions. Meeting customers where they are, guiding them to the most suitable channels, and being present on their preferred platforms can ease their journey, foster loyalty, and contribute to your business's growth.

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