Customer Service
July 16, 2024

6 Clever Ways to Scale Customer Support (Without Losing That Personal Touch)

Published By
Sarah Mooney

Scaling customer support can be tricky, but it's not impossible. The key is finding the right balance between technology and the human touch. Here are six strategies that companies can use to scale their support teams without sacrificing quality.

  1. Invest in Smart Automation Tools

Automation is a game-changer for growing support teams. It helps handle more tickets efficiently, reduces errors, and frees up time for important tasks. With the right software, support teams can:

  • Automatically route messages to the right people
  • Manage handoffs smoothly
  • Prioritize VIP customers
  • Set up reminders to prevent missed deadlines
  1. Empower the Support Team

Great tech is useless without great people. Companies need to hire the right support agents, train them well, and empower them to make decisions.

Support heroes should be skilled communicators with deep product knowledge. They should also feel trusted to solve problems on their own. Creating an environment where team members can share ideas and see them implemented is crucial.

  1. Foster Collaboration

When support teams work together seamlessly, they can solve customer problems faster and more effectively.

The collaborative support model gives everyone access to all support tickets. This approach helps handle sudden ticket surges and puts customer issues first. Team members can combine their expertise to solve problems quickly.

A shared inbox tool can be invaluable here, allowing team members to leave notes, tag each other, and access the full history of customer interactions.

  1. Grow the Support Squad

Sometimes, the simplest solution is to hire more people. If a company is consistently missing targets for metrics like customer satisfaction or response times, it might be time to expand the team.

Hiring ahead of anticipated growth gives new team members time to get up to speed. Outsourcing can also be a good option, especially for handling seasonal peaks.

Pro tip: Companies should track when they're busiest and staff accordingly. Extra hands during peak times can make a big difference.

  1. Build a Comprehensive Knowledge Base

A well-designed FAQ page or knowledge base acts like a 24/7 support hero. It allows customers to find answers independently and serves as a quick reference for support agents.

A knowledge base is particularly useful for companies that:

  • Receive repetitive questions
  • Offer technical products or services

Pro tip: Use support tools to track common customer questions and use this data to build out the knowledge base.

  1. Expand Support Channels

Adding new support channels can help distribute workload and make it easier for customers to get in touch. Options include email, social media, live chat, SMS, or phone support.

To decide which channels to add, companies should survey their customers or analyze where their audience is most active online.

It's important to ensure there's enough staff to manage any new channels effectively. Opening a new line of communication without adequate support can lead to customer frustration.

Scaling Up Support Successfully

While scaling customer support can be challenging, it's achievable with the right approach. By balancing automation with the human element, companies can grow their support operations without compromising on quality. Key strategies include:

  • Leveraging smart automation tools
  • Empowering the support team
  • Encouraging collaboration
  • Growing the team when necessary
  • Building a helpful knowledge base
  • Adding new support channels thoughtfully

By implementing these strategies, businesses can scale their support operations effectively while maintaining the personal touch that customers value.

As companies scale their support operations, AI-powered solutions like Ariglad are becoming increasingly valuable. Ariglad integrates with popular tools such as Zendesk, Salesforce, and Intercom to automatically keep knowledge bases up to date. This enhances self-service support, improving customer satisfaction while boosting agent productivity.

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